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In this section you can place an order from the tools presented below. Or order an instrument with your individual tuning. Manufacturing will take approximately 1 to 6 months, depending on the complexity of the scale (scale) and the workload of the workshop.

Патина большинства ручных инструментов из нержавеющей стали, образующаяся при термообработке, нестабильна и инструменты могут со временем изменять свой цвет. Это не влияет на звук и настройку, не является дефектом и придает инструменту уникальный винтажный вид.

The size, shape and location of music fields in photographs do not represent actual layout and may differ from those actually seen on the instruments. Photos are for illustration purposes only. So, for example, photographs

with 10 notes on top will be used for all scales with 10 notes on top. The same goes for the notes below.


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